Palas Cerequio – The best hotel in Piedmont, Italy!

The more hotels you visit, the stronger preferences you get and at the same time, more particular and demanding. This means that you get more disappointed when things are not right, but when you arrive at the ones who are, you get THAT much more appreciative.

It didn´t take long to fall in love with Palas Cerequio. The combination of design, atmosphere and service is close to perfect! Just to name a few of the glorious things about this hotel; the location, the style, the execution, the “feel like home” but still professional service, the smiles, the helpfulness, the towels, the standard, the garden, the breakfast, the pool, the view…

The location of the hotel is right in the middle of the Cerequio vineyards (considered to be one of the best vineyards in the Barolo region). It is situated high up the hills just outside La Morra with a fantastic view over the grapes and the valley. It is peaceful and quiet, and even if it feels sheltered, there are several excellent restaurants just a short distance away. You can stay here for weeks and never eat at the same place, and even better, never eat a bad meal! There are also several fantastic wine producers in the area.

The style of the hotel is both modern, minimalistic and fancy, traditional. One part of the hotel is new, facing the future, with a five meter drop shower and lacer and color-changing lights over the Jacuzzi. These rooms also have a private steam sauna and a small kitchenette, and are fantastic for families. The pool is just outside these rooms. 

The older part of the hotel, facing the past, is decorated with “tuned-down” rococo furniture and lovely chandeliers, dusty colors and a more luxury feel. These rooms are very romantic and almost make you feel like you live in a different time. The designer has managed to balance the décor and ambience so it doesn´t feel like too much, just perfect!

The hotel is run by Jayne and Roberto. They are a lovely, married couple who has travelled the world and worked at several great locations before settling down in Roberto´s old hood. Together with David (who also has years of experience from excellent hotels), they do everything. And they do it well!

Palace Cerequio only has nine rooms, so it never feels too busy or crowded. This place is so perfect that I almost didn´t want to share it, but if you want to experience the best of Piedmont, this is absolutely the best place to be! 

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